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5 Partner Workouts That Will Get Your Blood Pumping... If Ya Know What I Mean

Couples That Exercise Have A Secret Advantage...

Here's the thing about working out... even though it's not always fun, it leaves you feeling AMAZING afterwards. That's because physical activity releases all sorts of hormones and endorphins into your brain that send you into a euphoric state, and reduce your perception of pain.

If you find yourself stressed out regularly, or arguing a lot... maybe it's because you're not working out regularly.

Another added bonus of working out is that it makes you look sexy! And who doesn't want to be sexy?

I know I do... which is why I work out.

Your Challenge:

I spent a bunch of time perusing YouTube in an attempt to find some really fun, relatively short, and unique partner exercise videos.

Pick one, set aside 15 minutes tonight, and do it with your partner! I promise you won't regret it.

Partner Up Yoga: Stretching & Flexibility Mat Workout

This workout is great if you're not up for any intense movements. Just sit down together and get your stretch on. You'll be using each others bodies to limber up and relax. This is a video you should not be scared of.

'Good Morning My Love' Partner Yoga Sequence for Couples

I picked this video because it just looked fun and playful. It's a good Saturday morning pajama workout to do together after some mookie (morning nookie), and before your french toast breakfast.

Partner Workout with Kelli & Daniel

This is a really basic workout that you can have fun with at your own pace. The only equipment you might need is a medicine ball, but you could get by without it.

Buddy Up! Partner Fitness Exercises

This is another pretty basic workout that most people should be able to do. You can increase the intensity if it seems to easy or modify the movements to your ability level.

Partner Up Yoga: Acro Yoga Workout with Vytas Baskauskas

Acro yoga won't be for everyone, but if you're looking to try yoga as a partnership, this is a great place to start! They break down the movements and move nice and slow so you don't get overwhelmed. This is definitely one I'll be trying this week.

Up For a Bigger Challenge?

Ever wanted to do something big? Something crazy? Something you never thought you could do?

Maybe you've always wanted to train for a triathlon, or a marathon... or maybe even an Ironman race.

If you want to tackle something big this year - especially if you want to tackle something big with your partner - send me an email.

My friend, Nat is an endurance trainer and has offered to put together a training program (geared specifically towards couples). If we can get enough people on board, he'll put together a program to help us train, and make what seems impossible into something that is SO possible.

Send me an email if you're interested! I really want to do this with you guys.

What workouts do you do together? Have you noticed a change in how you show up in your relationships when you exercise as opposed to when you don't? How do you fit exercise into your life when it gets busy? I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments...