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Falling In Love at 81

It had been over 60 years since Cynthia had seen or heard from him. Then, one day, out of nowhere, she received a package in the mail. In the package was a role of paper towels with coded messages written on each square. It was from him. As she decoded the role of paper towels, she realized that not only did he remember her, but as the last paper towel revealed to her, he had never stopped loving her.

To hear Cynthia tell her story (which is quite possibly one of the best love stories ever), click here. And while you're at it, subscribe to The Moth. It's the best storytelling podcast on the interwebs.

And, if you want a bit more behind-the-scenes goodness on Cynthia's story, check out this little gem for details that weren't in the link or the video above:

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