Growth Marriage

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How I Saved My Marriage with Nate Bailey

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When Nate returned from his service in the armed forces as a Platoon Leader in Kuwait, he invested the majority of his time, energy, and attention into his businesses. His health and his marriage went into a downward spiral.

Then he and his wife had kids - which we all know makes a struggling relationship so much better... right?

Nate spent many hours reading personal growth books, and thinking about lots of ways he could change things... but he rarely implemented the things he read.

After several years of struggle, disagreements, walking on eggshells, and feeling more like roommates than lovers, Nate realized that if he didn't do something soon, his marriage was destined for divorce. He loved his wife... they just never seemed to be on the same page. And he certainly loved his daughters. He was not going to give them up without a fight.

First he got clarity. He knew something needed to change, and the only thing he could change was himself. So, he invested. He got training. He surrounded himself with people who would challenge him and push him to be the kind of husband he wanted to be... even when it was hard.

Then, he got committed. He started taking action. He stopped reading books and doing nothing. Instead, he invested every day. It didn't matter if his wife responded to his efforts or not. It wasn't about her... it was about him. He wanted to be a 5-star husband.

After months and months of work, things started to change. The dynamic of their relationship shifted. They began to grow closer together. The walls came down.

Today, Nate is a highly-invested, 5-star husband and father. His marriage is the kind that many people envy and admire. Listen to this episode to get details about how he made the change happen.


He started his career in the United States Army. As a Platoon Leader in the Operation Iraqi Freedom, he was charged with the safety and leadership of 40 soldiers in Kuwait.

Today he is the Lead Trainer and Lead Coach of the Prosperity RevolutionManWealth, and Shield Maiden programs. He works with hundreds of men and women who are focusing on creating a better life for themselves and their families.

In his quest to expand my own personal physical limits, Nate has completed the Ironman AZ, Sealfit Kokoro 45, Wheels4Water - a charity bike ride across America which raised over $300K for clean water in Ethiopia, and currently training to complete the Kettle 100 - a 100 mile solo run and GoRuck Selection in 2018.  

Family is his number one driver. He is a committed husband and father.

Live Your Legacy: The 90 Day Lifestyle Roadmap

By Nate Bailey