Podcast Episode

Episode #10 - The Bachelorcast

Wherein four bachelors talk about love... a topic on which we are definitely not experts.

We cover why it's important to know what you want and who you are before you can really fall in love. We talk about the simplicity of the concept of love, and how complicated it gets when you involve people. We crack jokes, get deep, and revel in awkward silences.

Hope you enjoy!

Also, here is the Jim Carrey video we reference:

Episode #8 - MeiMei and Kiran

Episode #8 - MeiMei and Kiran

MeiMei and Kiran are two amazing people. They are even more amazing together. You’ll love hearing their love story... and you’ll love even more hearing about how they keep their love alive. We also talk about when is the right time to leave a relationship, whether or not monogamy is a natural human tendency, open relationships, and a lot of other fun stuff! Hope you enjoy.

Episode #7 - Neil & A.Rae


Neil and A. Rae have been through a lot. And when I say, "a lot," it's not an understatement. I daresay they've been through just about everything you can imagine... and they've made it out alive, and with  smiles on their faces.

The most touching moments in this podcast, for me, are when Neil and A. Rae talk about losing their son, and how it transformed their lives, and when Neil talks about how mistaken he was to believe that the single life is/was better than married life.

Talking to A. Rae and Neil made me realize that I have a tendency to give up too easily on things that are important. True love is worth fighting for. It's worth enduring misery, and heartache. It's worth forgiving and learning and struggling together. Without the struggles, the mistakes, and the fight, love is weak... and it may not even be love at all.

Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes!

Episode #6 - Eric and Alisa

Episode #6 - Eric and Alisa

When I first set up this interview through Alisa, I was excited to see what the marriage of a marriage therapist and dating coach would look like. I didn't know their backstory, their current situation, or even Eric's name for that matter. But I had heard a lot of what Alisa teaches, and I liked it. I was curious if putting her tactics into practice in a marriage would pay off. I figured the best way to find out was to talk to her and see. After spending well over an hour with them, I can tell you from my experience that it works.

Episode #5 - Cole and JaCee

Episode #5 - Cole and JaCee

What really impressed me with Cole and JaCee is how important their faith is to the success of their relationship. On the outside the have the image of this idealistic, perfect family. After talking to them, though, I realized that every couple - no matter how happy, how strong, or how perfect they are for each other - has their own struggles and challenges.

Episode #4 - Tommy and Jason


On my way to visit Tommy and Jason in Salt Lake this week, I turned on my Beatles mix on my ipod. Right as I pulled off the freeway exit for their home, the song “All You Need is Love” came on. It played right until I pulled up to their doorstep. It was the perfect beginning to a fantastic interview.

Tommy and Jason have been together for almost 4 years. Unlike Torben and Marissa from last week who have tons of things in common with each other, Tommy and Jason have fundamentally different personalities and interests. But as you’ll hear in the interview, these differences have really helped to bring them closer together, and to understand themselves and individuals in a more complete way.

In this interview, we cover the importance of continuous love and support, the ability to be vulnerable. We talk about the struggles a couple can face when family isn’t fully supportive of your relationship choices, and how the state of limerence (or Twitterpation, as some call it) can be addicting, and prevent us from ever fully experiencing the fulfillment of investing in a long-term relationship.

If you want to be part of The Loveumentary, or you know someone who might, please drop me a line here. The same goes for if you have any ideas or suggestions on how to make the podcast better. Here's a link to the intro and outro music for the podcast in case you want to check it out.

If you like this podcast, it would mean a lot to me if you'd share it with your friends. Love you all!