Growth Marriage

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5 Important Relationship Lessons You Can Learn From an Arranged Marriage

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Some of the most powerful lessons I've learned as I've interviewed hundreds of couples have come from some of the least common relationships. This interview was no exception. You'll quickly see the deep, abiding, and unique love that can be created even if you don't date before marriage.

Here are 5 lessons I took away from interviewing Iskara and Baldev. Don't just read them... apply them. It could transform your relationship.

1. Fighting is overrated

When you fight dirty in a relationship you surrender control of your behavior to your circumstances and your emotions. You become a victim to life, and victims forfeit any ability to choose love, peace, or kindness.

Emotionally intelligent couples take ownership of their thoughts, feelings, actions and moods. They don't blame other people for how they act or how they feel. And when they do feel strong emotions, they have the fortitude to avoid acting impulsively and instead act with kindness.

2. Loving your in-laws is important

One of the most common sources of contention in a committed relationship is the in-laws. Respecting and balancing the needs, wants, and traditions of two (and sometimes more) sets of parents can get really complicated really fast.

To handle this transition Iskara spent a lot of time with her in-laws, even without her husband present. When her parents raised a complaint she explained, "I've been your daughter for 27 years. I've been their daughter for only a few months." She understood that creating a positive and loving relationship with her new parents would only create more freedom and connection for her family in the future.

Become friends with your in-laws. The more they love you the less threatened they will be that you're stealing their baby away from them, and the more understanding they will be when conflicts arise in the future.

3. You're happiest when the person you love is happiest

I know it's cliché to say, but it seems to be consistently true for every couple I've interviewed... when you live as if the happiness of your partner is a priority over your own, you will find incredible joy and satisfaction.

When you go into a relationship thinking only of what you can get out of it, the relationship will not work. The trick to experiencing satisfaction in a relationship is to give up worrying about what you'll get out of it, and instead worry about what you can put into it.

How can you be the greatest contributor of peace, happiness, excitement, and fun in your partner's life? Seriously... ask yourself that question, then take action.

Love isn't love if it's only given with expectation of reciprocation.

4. Complimentary vs. Compatibility

Compatibility is overrated. We put so much emphasis on having common interests, hobbies, and beliefs. To be honest, it isn't all it's cracked up to be... at least not for everyone.

Rather than searching for someone who has everything in common with you, why not consider appreciating someone who brings you balance and pushes you to experience the world in a new way? It's good to have someone in the house who is great with finances, or an amazing chef, or can fix anything with a little wire and duct tape, or who brings a sense of humor to the table... especially if the other person lacks those strengths.

It's fun to have things in common, but it's vital to appreciate and value your partner for their differences.

5. Change means you get to fall in love all over again

People change. It's a fact of life.

You (and the ones you love) are constantly influenced by your experiences, your community, your choices, and your circumstances. You are never the same today as you were yesterday.

To some this is a scary prospect. "What if we grow apart? What it life takes us down different paths? What if things change?"

It is nearly impossible for fear and love to coexist.

Rather than fear change, embrace it. Without change, love stagnates. Look at it as an opportunity to fall in love with a new version of the same person over and over again.

What did you learn from this week's podcast? Did it change your thoughts on arranged marriages? How much of your ability to love is purely based on choice? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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Here's the tunage from today's episode:

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