The Story of The Five Love Languages
Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages, is perhaps the most well-known relationship book of all time. It has been on the NYT Best Seller list for the better part of a decade.
I remember reading it for the first time and thinking, "Holy crap! I can't believe I didn't know that love languages were a thing!"
I quickly became that person at dinner parties who would ask people, "So, what's your love language?"
So many people experience love differently than I do... and I'd had no idea. In my naiveté I had assumed everyone felt things the same way I felt things.
That very love epiphany that Gary Chapman has created for millions of people all over the world is the same realization that saved his own marriage.
In this podcast we talk about how the Five Love Languages came to be, why they are so important, and what else - in addition to the love languages - people need to know to build healthy relationships that thrive and flourish.
I hope you love it.
love is something you do for someone else | Gary Chapman | The Loveumentary