The #1 Reason You Feel Overwhelmed (And How to Solve It)


Every year I pick a word that I use as the theme for my life.

In 2014, my theme was "Integrity." It was amazing to see how my world and my relationships changed as I focused on being a man of my word, and keeping my promises.

In 2015, my theme was "Possibility." My mind was blown as I watched for opportunities to share my passion with the world. I spoke at TEDx Salt Lake City, and Start Conference. I wrote blog posts that were read by hundreds of thousands of people. I have grown Unbox Love - a date-ini-a-box subscription service, made more TV appearances than I can count, had a blast producing new episodes for the podcast, met new friends and traveled the country putting on workshops and supporting people with their relationships.

I thought long and hard about what my theme should be for 2016. It became crystal clear one weekend in San Francisco as I spent some meaningful time with my good friend, author, and inspiring speaker, Smiley. He was just wrapping up the final edits for his second book. The smile on his face said it all.

He was loving life.

As we talked about our work, and his journey, he said something that really stuck with me. "Nate, life is so distracting. For me, writing is all about focus. It's all about saying "no" to the distractions so I can do the work. That means Facebook, meeting friends for lunch, or the unplanned hangout with friends. If I don't stay focused, I won't get the important things done."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks.

As fun as my year of "possibility" was, I could feel my heart and my brain begging me to simplify my life. In exploring so many opportunities, I had filled my plate to overflowing.

I'm reminded of one of a podcast episode with Jackson Dunn. He's the leader of a huge marriage organization. He shared with us a truth that I've repeated over and over to couples all over the country:

The biggest enemy of love is busyness.

We often overcommit ourselves and don't leave any space in their life for cultivating amazing relationships... which we know are the source of lasting happiness in life.

So, it only seems appropriate that if I'm going to devote my year to Focus that I turn to some experts for help.

I made some new friends this week who run a website called An Uncluttered Life.

In the last few years, Warren and Betsy have identified what's truly important to them. They then committed their lives to getting rid of all distractions, and saying "no" to anything that didn't help them achieve what they want.

Their story is incredible, and the life they lead is so inspiring.

So obviously I invited them to do a webinar with me.

If you are the kind of person who feels stressed, or overwhelmed, or like you're spending all your time doing things you don't like with people who aren't important to you, I want you to join us.

If you're ready to commit to a year of "focus"... or even a month of focus, I want you to join us.

Just click here to reserve your spot: