
Are You Stuck in Roommate Syndrome

Are You Stuck in Roommate Syndrome

I have a confession to make…

My marriage has slipped into Roommate Syndrome.

I could blame it on a lot of things:

My wife surprised me with an announcement last year that she was pregnant… which was AWESOME!

But it also meant that the next few months were full of nausea, exhaustion, and weird food aversions, which made date night hard.

Then COVID hit.

What Makes a Good Marriage?

What Makes a Good Marriage?

This week I listened to a podcast featuring a guy named Richie Norton as the guest. In his mid-20's he was invited by Stephen M. R. Covey (son of Stephen R. Covey… the 7 Habits guy) to help train business professionals to be better leaders.

When he was offered the opportunity he freaked out. He felt too young and inexperienced for the gig. “You want me to go train these grey-hairs? What are they going to think?”

10 Stoic Questions For Your Marriage

10 Stoic Questions For Your Marriage

Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy designed to make the practitioner more resilient, happier, more virtuous, courageous, and wise.

Some of history’s greatest leaders were Stoics: Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelst, and more recently, people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Brady, Bill Clinton, and prominent author Ryan Holiday.

How To Get Your Partner To Do More Of What You Want

How To Get Your Partner To Do More Of What You Want

Changing human behavior is typically really hard.

Don’t believe me? What percentage of people who made a New Year’s resolution to hit the gym and get in shape are still committed to it 4 weeks later?

Not many.

Because it’s HARD to change a lifetime of habits - like the time you wake up, the way you fold your socks, how you brush your teeth, or how you load the dishwasher.

Here’s something you can test out: Try mixing up your shower routine tomorrow morning. If you always wash your hair first, try starting out with your legs. Not only will you probably forget, but if you try it, it will feel SUPER unnatural.

We shouldn't be struggling with this

We shouldn't be struggling with this

“He doesn’t make time for the family like he used to… and he doesn’t pursue me anymore. He’s gotten lazy.” she said.

“Well, she doesn’t appreciate all I do for the family! I work hard so we can live a comfortable lifestyle. I do my best, and it’s never enough.” he said.

“We shouldn’t be having these problems!” she said.

“Right, nobody else we know is struggling with anything like this. If this relationship was meant-to-be, wouldn’t things just work out?” he added.

Ever feel this way, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]? Like if your relationship was meant-to-be, you shouldn’t be struggling like you are?