The Little Things That Level Up Your Love


She told me, “If I don’t do it, it isn’t going to get done.”

Teasha was feeling a bit resentful.

Her husband was having a hard time waking up and getting to work on time.

And because he was running late every morning, he wasn’t eating breakfast or packing a lunch… which was impacting his health, and railroading their budget.

On top of that, she didn’t feel supported in keeping the household running, and she and her husband were in the middle of selling their house and moving to a new state.

Things got so bad that at one point, a load of damp clothes sat in the washing machine for almost a week…

What she REALLY wanted was some help and support so she could get back to being her husband’s wife.

Instead, she felt more like she was her husband’s mom.


It was all starting to weigh on her.

That’s why she joined the Epic Wives Experiment.

Within a few days of starting the experiment, she noticed a shift.

She started seeing her husband differently.

Things that used to drive her nuts stopped bothering her.

She was enjoying marriage more.

Then something even crazier happened...

Her husband started waking up early.

He started packing his lunches.

He stuck to the budget.

He started treating her like his girlfriend.

He started helping around the house more.

As Teasha conducted a few experiments to change her mindset and actions, her stresses melted away, and marriage (and her HUSBAND) transformed in front of her.

I know… it sounds too easy. But it’s true.

Click here to hear the whole story in her words.

Here’s the lesson: When you change, your marriage changes. When you transform, your marriage transforms.

Transformations like this are why I’m here!

This is why I send these emails every week. It’s why I record podcasts. And it’s why I’m SO passionate about the Epic Wives Experiment.

Most couples wait over SIX YEARS after experiencing something that makes them unhappy before getting a little help.

By that time it’s often too late.

Now, here’s the big question: Do you REALLY have the marriage you want? Or could it be better?

Is your marriage comfortable and predictable? Or is it deeply fulfilling and meaningful?

If you think there’s even the most remote possibility that it could be better, now is your chance to take action. 

(If you complete the EWE and don’t get results, I’ll give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked… so you literally have no risk.)

I hope you join us so you can see how awesome your marriage can be! I know Teasha is glad she did…