The Epic Wives Experiment Details Revealed!

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Over the last few weeks I’ve been laying the groundwork for the Growth Ecosystem - the 3 fundamental principles you need to have in place to achieve your goals over the long-term, and experience explosive growth in your life (and in your marriage):

  1. Have a goal that inspires and motivates you (just like plants strive towards the sun).

  2. Surround yourself with a supportive and nurturing community (just like plants use soil to hold them in place during rough weather).

  3. Develop a system of regular accountability you can rely on to facilitate your journey towards your goals (just like plants rely on a steady supply of water… or they die).

After nearly a decade of interviewing, studying, and learning from the top marriage experts on the planet, the Growth Ecosystem is what I believe sets apart the most extraordinary marriages from the ones that fail.

It’s not just about having a growth mindset! That’s only part of what you need to create a life you love.

You are limited by your mindset if you don’t have an environment that will enable your growth.

This idea of the Growth Ecosystem is at the foundation of everything I do here with the Growth Marriage.

Every email send you, every course I create, every podcast episode I publish, every social media post I… uh… post… 

It’s all in service to this mission:

  • Can I help you get closer to the life and marriage you want?

  • Can I provide you with an encouraging and supportive community?

  • Can I help hold you accountable so you can accelerate your growth?

So, here’s 2 weird things about me…

  1. I think about my death a lot.

  2. I’m weirdly altruistic

At the end of my life, I want to be remembered for being the guy who helped people have amazing marriages.

I want that to be my contribution to the world. My legacy.

That’s it.

It’s literally what I think about every single day.

With that context in mind, today’s podcast episode is about something special that I’ve been working on for quite a while with my good friend, Laura Heck.

It’s called the Epic Wives Experiment.

Here’s why I’m excited about it.

Laura and I talk to wives who feel overwhelmed, burned-out, and lonely nearly every day.

Maybe you can relate?

(I don’t know about you, but when I got married, that’s not what I hoped my marriage would feel like.)

Ultimately, here’s what we want for wives:

  • We want you to feel cherished, loved and adored by your husband

  • We want you to carry less of the emotional and mental load in your marriage

  • We also want your marriage to feel fun, exciting, and flirty again

Does that sound good?

That’s exactly why we created the Epic Wives Experiment.

We see so many wives spinning their wheels, trying to get more done in less time, carrying the bulk of the responsibility for the quality of their relationship on their shoulders… and frankly, they end up burned-out, tired, and resentful.

We don’t want that for you.

Most women do one of two things when they’re feeling burned-out:

Some women put on their super-hero cape and take on all the responsibilities they wish they had help with… even if it means sacrificing themselves in the process. Then they guiltily complain about a husband who isn’t pulling his weight.

The other group of women completely shut down. They turn off the physical and emotional intimacy in their marriage so they have the energy to do everything else. They pretend nothing is wrong, and accept this intimacy-free version of life as normal.

I don’t know about you, but neither of those options sounds very fun to me.

So Laura and I have spent months creating an alternative.

We’ve put together  a series of powerful experiments for you to conduct in your marriage that are designed to get you more love, connection, and support… all while putting in less time and effort.

Regardless of whether you’ve been married for 7 months or 70 years, you’re going to wake up next to a partner who wants to contribute more around the house, free up your time, support you emotionally, and be excited about doing it!

Maybe you’ll even start to reconnect with that flirty… (and dare I say seductive?) side of yourself that might have gone into hibernation for a while.

So, here’s what you’re gonna get when you join us in this month-long experiment:

  • First, every week for 4 weeks you’ll get a dynamite LIVE lesson developed by me and Laura. These lessons are jam-packed with the information and tools that most people would pay hundreds of dollars in coaching or therapy to get from us.

  • Next, we’re giving you 3 powerful experiments to test on your partner every week. These experiments will help you discover new and effective ways to create positive shifts in your partner’s behavior.

  • Third, we’re going to give you access to our Epic Wives Facebook group where we’ll be holding you accountable, answering any questions you might have, and celebrating your wins with you.

(Do you see how we’re giving you every piece of the Growth Ecosystem here? An inspiring goal, a community, and a system of accountability.)

Now, those are the things that everybody gets… but I like to over-deliver. So I want to throw in some cool bonuses for taking action today!

One of them is a special 1-hour training at the end of this one-month experience. The training will teach you what you can do to become an expert at successfully having hard conversations with your partner.

The goal is to help you resolve the challenges that once took you days to recover from in hours… or even minutes.

If you take what you learn from this training, you will get so good at managing conflicts that your marriage will never go into crisis mode where you feel like you need to go to therapy to save it… or worse… talk about divorce.

We’re also going to be giving away amazing prizes for those who are active in the Epic Wives Experiment… like gift certificates to cleaning services, subscriptions to Disney+, and massages.

And we’re not going to charge you hundreds or even thousands of dollars that other people would have to pay to get this very same information through therapy or coaching!

It’s only $39 bucks!

That’s less than my wife spent on Christmas candles this year. (Our house smells like a pine forest.)

Click here if you are in, and sign up.

If you have more questions, click here, and you can read up on all the details, including the “Good Guy Guarantee.” (If you participate in the Epic Wives Experiment, and you’re not feeling less stressed, and more excited about your marriage by the end, I’ll just refund you 100% of your money. I’m that confident that you’ll have an amazing experience that I’ve assumed all the risk here.)

This is how I get people results in their marriage.

I create the environment for them to flourish, then invite them to come take the plunge.

Let’s be honest, if you don’t participate, you’ll probably think back to this email around Valentines day in February and wonder how much better your marriage could have been if you’d just taken the plunge.

Let’s set up 2020 to be the best year of your marriage so far!

See you in the Epic Wives Community! (And if you’re a husband, I hope I see your wife in there.)
