Masturbation. Yes, we're talking about it.



The “M” word makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Historically, it’s wrapped up in a lot of morality, myth, taboo, and judgement.

In this episode we talk about where the discomfort around masturbation comes from, how to examine where you got your beliefs about masturbation, and provide you with some great questions you can ask to come to your own conclusions.

If you want to go through some of the questions and the exercise we talked about on the podcast, just put in your email here, and I'll send you a worksheet I put together for a course I'll be releasing soon that will walk you through everything. It's awesome:



Kristin is involved in many practices and projects with the goal of improving sexual health in individuals, couples, families, communities and institutions. 

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, Kristin sees clients at her mental health clinic, The Healing Group, teaches human sexuality as an Adjunct Professor at The University of Utah in the College of Social Work, hosts the largest professional conference in the rocky mountain region, The Rocky Mountain Sex + Intimacy Summit. 

Kristin is co-author of, “Real Intimacy: A Couple’s Guide to Genuine, Healthy Sexuality” and is working on her second book, “Yes!  You Can Talk To Your Kids About Sex.” 


Real Intimacy: A Couples' Guide to Healthy, Genuine Sexuality

By Thomas G. Harrison, MSW, LCSW, Kristin B. Hodson, Alisha Worthington, BSW, SSW

The Surprising Truth About Pelvic Floor Health



Pelvic floor health is important for both men and women.

  • If you find yourself urinating when you sneeze or exercise, you need to strengthen your pelvic floor. (Tips on this below.)

  • The Perefit is a game create specifically to improve pelvic floor health for women. The controller goes inside the female genitals, and is used to strengthen and control your pelvic floor muscles.

  • Men need good pelvic floor health as much as women do. Added bonus: it helps to produce much stronger orgasms.

  • Movement Matters by Katy Bowman - Get it on Amazon or Audible. (Signing up for a free trial on Audible supports this podcast!)

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Kristin is involved in many practices and projects with the goal of improving sexual health in individuals, couples, families, communities and institutions. 

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, Kristin sees clients at her mental health clinic, The Healing Group, teaches human sexuality as an Adjunct Professor at The University of Utah in the College of Social Work, hosts the largest professional conference in the rocky mountain region, The Rocky Mountain Sex + Intimacy Summit. 

Kristin is co-author of, “Real Intimacy: A Couple’s Guide to Genuine, Healthy Sexuality” and is working on her second book, “Yes!  You Can Talk To Your Kids About Sex.” 


Real Intimacy: A Couples' Guide to Healthy, Genuine Sexuality

By Thomas G. Harrison, MSW, LCSW, Kristin B. Hodson, Alisha Worthington, BSW, SSW

The Perfect Moment

The Perfect Moment

Eugene O’Kelly was the CEO of KPMG, one of the biggest accounting firms in the United States in the mid 2000’s. One day he got the news, “You have 3 golf-ball-sized tumors in your brain and you have 90 days to live.”

He spent the next 3 months of his life “unraveling” or wrapping up his most important relationships and giving them a sense of closure. He did this by creating “Perfect Moments.”

It's Not Fair...

It's Not Fair...

“It’s not fair…”

I hear that phrase from married people a lot. Almost every single day.

I hear it from wives who want more help from their partner around the house, who feel betrayed by their husband’s hidden porn use, or who feel like they don’t have time to develop any hobbies or friendships outside of their family life...

I hear it from husbands who feel like a walking ATM, who get rejected for sex over and over again, who get criticized for playing video games or watching sports to unwind after a long day of work...

The list of reasons people see life as unfair goes on and on.

How I Saved My Marriage with Nate Bailey



When Nate returned from his service in the armed forces as a Platoon Leader in Kuwait, he invested the majority of his time, energy, and attention into his businesses. His health and his marriage went into a downward spiral.

Then he and his wife had kids - which we all know makes a struggling relationship so much better... right?

Nate spent many hours reading personal growth books, and thinking about lots of ways he could change things... but he rarely implemented the things he read.

After several years of struggle, disagreements, walking on eggshells, and feeling more like roommates than lovers, Nate realized that if he didn't do something soon, his marriage was destined for divorce. He loved his wife... they just never seemed to be on the same page. And he certainly loved his daughters. He was not going to give them up without a fight.

First he got clarity. He knew something needed to change, and the only thing he could change was himself. So, he invested. He got training. He surrounded himself with people who would challenge him and push him to be the kind of husband he wanted to be... even when it was hard.

Then, he got committed. He started taking action. He stopped reading books and doing nothing. Instead, he invested every day. It didn't matter if his wife responded to his efforts or not. It wasn't about her... it was about him. He wanted to be a 5-star husband.

After months and months of work, things started to change. The dynamic of their relationship shifted. They began to grow closer together. The walls came down.

Today, Nate is a highly-invested, 5-star husband and father. His marriage is the kind that many people envy and admire. Listen to this episode to get details about how he made the change happen.


He started his career in the United States Army. As a Platoon Leader in the Operation Iraqi Freedom, he was charged with the safety and leadership of 40 soldiers in Kuwait.

Today he is the Lead Trainer and Lead Coach of the Prosperity RevolutionManWealth, and Shield Maiden programs. He works with hundreds of men and women who are focusing on creating a better life for themselves and their families.

In his quest to expand my own personal physical limits, Nate has completed the Ironman AZ, Sealfit Kokoro 45, Wheels4Water - a charity bike ride across America which raised over $300K for clean water in Ethiopia, and currently training to complete the Kettle 100 - a 100 mile solo run and GoRuck Selection in 2018.  

Family is his number one driver. He is a committed husband and father.

Sex, God & The Conservative Church with Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers




Christianity is the most adhered to religion in the United States with roughly 75% of Americans identifying as Christians. So, whether you're Christian or not, you know someone, have been taught by someone, or have been influenced by someone with Judeo-Christian values.

After seeing a massive increase in the number of students coming to her with crushing shame, confusion, and dread around sex as a professor at Seattle Pacific University, Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers got curious.

Why the sudden influx of young people experiencing so much shame around sex?

The more she researched, the more she learned that it was in large part due to the way these kids were taught about sex, virtue, chastity, and purity in their homes and churches growing up.

This didn't feel right to her. Sex isn't something God wants us to be afraid of. It's something we should celebrate and cultivate in a way that reinforces our relationship with God and those we love.

So, she began to ask questions...

How did Christianity take the gift of sexuality and turn it into something people seem so afraid of? How has Christianity contributed to our culture’s ignorance surrounding things like eros, sacred sexuality, and the human body? How can we help people to heal from years of religious sexual shame and faulty teaching, while still respecting their faith traditions? What does a cohesive, faith-based picture of intended sexuality look like? What are actual, intimate sexual practices that couples can share that will build a sex life that is wholly integrated with their spirituality? And what practices can single people do to heal and develop a loving and celebratory relationship with their body and with God?

This interview, and her book Sex, God & The Conservative Church (get a free chapter here) expand on her findings, and the cure for Religious Sexual Shame (which just recently got an official definition).

"Sexual shame is a visceral feeling of humiliation and disgust toward one’s own body and identity as a sexual being, and a belief of being abnormal, inferior and unworthy. This feeling can be internalized but also manifests in interpersonal relationships having a negative impact on trust, communication, and physical and emotional intimacy. Sexual shame develops across the lifespan in interactions with interpersonal relationships, one’s culture and society, and subsequent critical self-appraisal (a continuous feedback loop). There is also a fear and uncertainty related to one’s power or right to make decisions, including safety decisions, related to sexual encounters, along with an internalized judgment toward one’s own sexual desire."

Please leave your thoughts, insights, and ideas in the comments below.


Tina Schermer Sellers, PhD has had a distinguished career as an educator, sex therapist, family therapist, speaker, author, consultant, and thought leader. She serves as an Associate Professor of Marriage & Family Therapy and Director of Medical Family Therapy at Seattle Pacific University. Her popular blog is filled with inspiring ideas on marriage, parenting, spirituality, sexuality and socio-political culture.

Dr. Sellers also founded the Northwest Institute on Intimacy, whose mission is to provide training in sex therapy and spiritual intimacy for psychotherapists and to provide a solid referral source to physicians, clergy, and community leaders. Her relentless passion for couples and families to know sexual and spiritual abundance, health and healing have won her several awards and requests for radio, TV and podcast interviews.

Click here to get a free chapter of her book